
If your home, place of work or school is damaged by inclement weather and this weather causes flooding or surface water, you'll find some useful information in this section.


If your area is susceptible to flooding, you should elevate any electric panels, heaters, furnaces etc. that may be in a basement, at ground level or similar. In extreme cases, if water gets into your property, you should secure your home as best as possible. If you have the time, move valuables and essentials to an elevated place or upper floor. You should also turn off all the utilities like power supply, water supply, gas supply etc. at its main source. Also disconnect all electrical appliances, if possible.
Keep informed. Watch the weather forecast and check Met Éireann or MapAlerter to make sure you're up-to-date on any threats.


Waterford City & County Council have sandbags available from both our outdoor depots - the one serving the County of Waterford is in Dungarvan and the one serving the Metropolitan area of Waterford (Including Tramore and Dunmore) is at Carrickphierish. It is vital that you call the Customer Services number to arrange access of these bags.

During a Flood

During a flood, if you have to move through water, always walk through standing water and not water that is flowing. Never drive through flood water as it can destroy your vehicle's engine.

Do not turn on or start using utilities like power supply, water supply, gas supply etc. immediately after a flood. Start using them only after it is declared safe to use them or an electrician has checked them.

If you are living in a flood prone area, it is advisable to have flood insurance for your family and property. Tenants should contact their landlord immediately when they discover a leak.

If you live in a Waterford City & County Council property, and experience flooding, please contact the Housing Section immediately on 0818 10 20 20, or out-of-hours on the same number.